Barbee Reunion Minutes

October 2, 2010

President Len Wiggins called the Barbee Reunion business meeting to order at 6:45 pm in the Fellowship Hall of the First Christian Church in Richlands following the annual pot luck dinner.

Susan Thomas read the 2009 minutes.

Michelle Barbee read the treasurer’s report.

Deaths reported were: Lewis Dixon, Sr. Lucille Huffman Barbee Williams, Junius L. Wiggins, Barbara Jane Barbee, Mary Lee Barbee Wisely, Phillip Mark Murray, and Martha Pettaway Cooper.

Len re-established the reasons for scheduling the 2010 Barbee reunion on Saturday night instead of Sunday as a trial run. A motion was made to change the reunion back to Sunday. It passed 10 to 19. The reunion for 2011 will be on Sunday, October 2, 2011.

Tom Barbee requested updated email addresses and mailing addresses. 

Anne Schout shared a new photograph of Isaiah Grayson and Martha Jane Burke Barbee that she had found. She stated that it was possibly made near the year of their wedding, 1855. Martha Jane Barbee’s wedding slipper will be given to the Onslow County Museum in Richlands.

Len shared information about the connection between the Isaiah Grayson Barbee family and “Old Kit” Christopher Barbee that he had been found on the Barbee Crossroads website,  According to Len, Gray and Old Kit were first cousins.

Tom Barbee asked about the location of the Isaiah Grayson Barbee cemetery that the family maintains. Len stated that it is located on Barbee Road on the old Baxter Barbee property. Kenneth Cox maintains it for the family.

Special recognitions were given to Catherine Barbee, age 93 and Adelaide Springle, age 8 months.

Len thanked the Tom Barbee family for hosting the 2010 reunion and the Kate Cox family will host the reunion in 2011.

The meeting adjourned at 7:25.